We are **** Leeds - The Guardian
Mick's Guardian piece on how Leeds helped the world to swear properly. 'Leeds obsessive (and why not?) Mick McCann ponders his home...

The arts class war starts here for 'We Are Poets' and Leeds Young Authors
Mick's Leeds Young Authors anti high arts funding rant that stayed in the top 5 Guardian most viewed web articles for a couple of days...

How the BBC rewrote history to disrespect Leeds... again
Mick slaps the nut on the BBC, it's disrespect for Leeds and it's re-writing of history. For the Guardian. Read it here #MickMcCann #BBC...

'Leedsness' and Our Hidden Writing Heritage
Leeds has had a huge influence on national thinking and writing that it appears to know little about. In this Guardian piece Mick McCann...

Leeds creatives and representations of the working class
Across the centuries Leeds creatives have made some important contributions to how we perceive 'ordinary people'. Here Mick explores...

Delivering cool: new digital eye on Leeds Fashion Show
The seventh annual event has watchers online this year and Mick McCann is one of them. Read it here #MickMcCann #Fashion #Leeds #Guardian